

Brazilian steak & other food joint/ex-pat hangout.

What we had:

Chix croquettes w catupiry cheese--nice but rich toward the last bite. Our favorite of the meal.

Mixed basket of fried turnovers-shrimp--very shrimpy (which I loved, but my DH not so much) and on the dry side, ground beef with an olive--ok, and cheese--can't remember the name, but it was light in taste and creamy.

Chopped filet & fries--the fries were pretty great. The meat wasn't bad. Could use some seasoning, but not bad.

Overall, the meal wasn't bad, but it needed seasoning.


Very open. The bar area is open to the outdoor seating area. Total shade, with a nice amount of fan breeze. Very comfy.



Overall impressions:

If you're from South America, this would be a great hangout. We saw families getting together, mingling after meals and greeting friends as they walked in. As outsiders, we felt welcomed into the relaxed atmosphere and were even greeted with the offer of a shared French fry by the toddler many tables were fawning over. To their credit, he was freakin adorable and a happy little sparkly personality.


3 out of 5 salamanders

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